Favorite Things...

Cabotine de Gres Origional & Rose. I really like the brand itself. Origional is one that is much more like what a woman is daily; Strong & Floral warming to the skin differently to each personal pheremone. I believe that wearing this scent is one of personal hominess for me. It was the first scent I feel I bonded with. Before this it was whatever I felt the day required, usually leaning towards very lemony light scents. Not anymore, now Cabotine for me takes center stage and I know it as my scent.For me it's signiture. Now price wise you really need to shop around. Cabotine can range anywhere from 20-80 dollars US. For this reason, I really suggest you purchase both lotion and scent when you find out you love it as much as me. The lotion really does not only moisturize but illuminates the scent in a deeper fashion. As one of my favorite things it deserves the first post: Here is to my official scent Cabotine De Gres.


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