Nov 9, 2009

Too much of a good thing

Steven Tyler has quit Aerosmith to work on his own "brand" of Tyler. I feel like the end of an era that represented the 70's just up and quit reality. When you get so large that you decide to not respond to bandmates who call you; you're a douche. When your head get's so large that you believe that you can connect with another "brand of audience" because your gift is so great; you're a douche. Do you think that his fall a few months ago that ruined a shoulder perhaps caused more damage to his brain than expected? I'm really hoping that this is so, because he's not seriously believing that she's Justin Timberlake? Because if you are My Tyler, you had better have some killer moves the likes we've never seen before. You're 61! Besides showing us what can be done with a walker (which I'm not saying he can't make it interesting to watch) , what more can he do? He's becoming the Jon Gosselin of music...get your Ed Hardy gear ready Tallerico, cuz reality checks are in the mail.

Also, on a seperate vigil I've been carrying on solo I want to really "reach out" to Lindsay Lohan. She's lost another 20 lbs or so and is looking quite Kate Moss. The question I have is should I hand her Bologna or a Philly Cheesesteak? Eat something you odd woman! Even Brittany is sober! Nobody from Red Bull is gonna call and ask you to be thier spokeswoman. I agree that your dad is a douche. I think the hollywood burgler bunch has you freaked and stressed out. I think your childhood rivaled that of Macenzie Phillips and Drew Barrymoore. Is this a reason to look so gaunt? You can't get more movie deals looking so exhausted. You're not that bad of an actress, you need to do something as dark as your life has been these last few years. Draw from that. Please quit attempting to make clothing. Even the Homeless don't want to wear them. There were a few people that thought that you personally were speaking to them from your crazy hearted shirt prints, but it turns out they were schizophrenic.

I mentioned Jon Gosselin earlier. I have to rant on this guy too. Jon you are also a douche. So your wife nags you and "emasculated" you in front of america. Did you ever stop to see that it was because you were having a mid life crisis and had 8 kids under the age of 9? She cleans up your messes, does your bills, dressed your children, and tried to cut our time for your marraige. If Kate is "anal" its because she doesn't have 8 kids you became one of the litter. To keep track of one child on a daily basis "do we have diapers in the bag, organic baby food, changes of clothing, a toy for each, hats, shoes, gloves, etc" She's organized not just by need but because that's what comforted her when you gave out. I think that more over than not you flipped out like every guy that hits' the 30 - 40 age range. You made a mistake. You got spooked by how easy it was and maybe thought you could get away with it. You made excuses and then got caught. Maybe she even said she'd work with you to keep the family together. I think at some point it wasn't Kate that emasculated you,but your own show. You saw how connectionless you were becoming to your own family. You started to see it as America was seeing it...that you'd given up months prior on your family to become something not only that you aren't but you're ill equipped to handle scrutiny of what you "wanted to do" at that moment in your life. So now you reconciled with God. You're going back to your roots searching for the spirituality you've lost and you turn to the MOST Media hungry Rabbi in the world Rabbi Schmooly...his name sounds like the new jewish slur for schyster. Could you lose your mind more with the 22 year old strumpets? Time & Entertainment will let us all know.

Each of these people had too much of a good thing...they have forgotton what it's like to rough it. They believe thier own hype. But like our refridgerator...if your good thing goes bad throw it out.


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