Jan 19, 2010

TARD and other issues

Welcoming in 2010 I really wish it was 1995 again. I can't believe how Wall Street Millionaires have taken America to a new low. It should be considered a traitorous to knowingly bankrupt a country in this fashion. Not only should Bernie Madoff be put to sleep, so should every other person that has contributed to our country's financial demise.

You know in China we all heard about the guy being beheaded by Military due to him putting lead into toys. The reason wasn't now ,I believe, due to him putting lead into toys it was the embarrassment and loss of income to the Nation that was cause for him being put to death. While we as a nation looked on in stunned surprise at the reaction by China, thinking them over reactive; consider that we as Americans have become more wary of buying toys from China. We have started buying our children wooden toys made by hand or in America. We specifically check for poisonous toxins in our childrens toys. Essentially we have made a nation prosperous by contract in the import/export business. It has now effectively been heavily damaged. Imagine how much that money was that China was making in a whole on this. Billions. We owe other nationalities trillions in US Dollars. Taxes show it. Our Wall Street Dow & Nasdaq reflect this as well.

I watched 60 minutes the other day where a Savant had picked up on what was happening as early as 2004. I really would have loved that he would have picked up his pen in 2004 instead of making a mint and alerting the public. I mean for god's sake! I can tell in less than 3 seconds whether or not Brittney Spears is shopping at Target, but can't find out if we're going to have a recession again!

Gods Undershirts! No wonder we're in such a mess.


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