Sep 13, 2010

Why Hollywood always takes Center Stage

The job of the entertainment industry is one built on the ablility to camophlage the reality of life. How much of this is forced on a daily American is without debate. We are losing more of daily life in my opinion to the text, the tweet, myspace, blogs, vlogs, instant message, the advertisement, the product placement, the magizine with nothing to say but ads, and of course; television.

Yesterday was a rememberance of 9-11. To me I remember very clearly the literal sound of the world as the planes were removed from the skies. I was living in Phoenix, AZ. I remember sitting and praying that the buildings would be safely evacuated, not knowing how it would turn out. I sobbed as the plane was shown slamming into tower North, then South, then the Pentagon, then the Shanksville. I am absolutly mortified that as we tend to go on with our daily grind that we are forgetting the enormity already some 9 years later. 911011 should be, in my opinion a patriot day, similar to Memorial Day, Veterans Day. Instead, top billing went to the VMA's. I'm absolutly disgusted that the form of Lady Gaga wearing meat is more important than our caring about what happens at Ground Zero's rebuilding. I'm Horrified that yet again, Kanye and Swift are bigger topics than caring for the families and friends of those that died that day. Terrorism has struck us here in the USA. To ignore it and continue with day to day life strikes at our normalacy. I think going back to being blind to the daily barrage of what can happen but won't due to us being "America The Great" shows how blind we CHOOSE to be. I don't want to be blind to our national spotlight. I also do not believe that as a nation we should intensly be helping out other countries. I'm Irish American & Norwiegan American, but you do not see me funding the IRA or the Northern Alliance. I don't send my hard earned funds to support the families of those in Ireland who have fallen prey to such groups of destruction. While I find it entirely vulgar that there are still groups like the KKK, The Black Panthers, Neo Nazi, and Genocide happening in the poorer parts of the world I do not feel responsible to stop it's actions. I feel that that should be put to use in our own area of the world, protecting my rights, my beliefs, my lands, vs shelling out education in other lands so that they won't fall prey to men with guns who terrorise their own brothers. It is an entirely novel idea that when we see the market crashing, when we see people losing thier homes, when we see poverty, crime, and hunger rising here within the United States that we should export the one thing that could help our citizens in the name of humanitarian effort. I guess I'm entirely self centered for feeling this way. I know my sibling doesn't agree with this line of thought. My siblings dealing in the business of assisting other nations, I'm proud of, she takes off where I couldn't. I am daily greatful that there is another side of opinion that isn't mine. That is the way of true greatness, to understand that opposing views aren't wrong, just not for us specifically. It is within this liberty of understanding that you must live in to show that our ideals are worth fighting in Iraq, Afganistan, and others. I support my troops, my community, and my sibling in the efforts that are external to our homeland. I just worry that by being fully focused on an effort so intense that the rest of the world seems to be holding up just fine in comparison instead of being an epitome of greatness. It's just a vein of opinion to me.

So hollywood took to it's stage, we gawked at Lady Gaga, Cher, Kanye and Taylor. Meanwhile I wondered privatly how my brother in law was missing his best friend and what the whole hoopla that was being spun around him, made him hurt worse over his loss or if it did end up being the emotional balm that he needed. The show must go on they say. We live to fight another day.

"To thine own self be true. And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!"
-Hamlet written by Sir William Shakespeare


Heather Jones said...

OMG you couldn't be more right. I for one didn't even watch the VMA's as soon as I saw how many Lady Gaga was nominated for, I was disinterested, but why should Hollywood care about anything that doesn't directly affect them. I don't know during the VMA's they could have set up 9-11 memorial funds, but no, disappointing to say the least.


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