Nov 16, 2009

part two of Diatribe of a Fat woman on a Deaf & Thin Society

Bald Fat Men Don’t Have the Answer
I’ve dieted since I was a small child, and it HASN’T worked. I have to tell you America, you can put a fat bald man in front of a camera, shine him up, endorse him by the queen of Talk Time, but that don’t make it so….it’s still a damn diet. I don’t think anyone who tells you that whatever you’re doing isn’t working for you, is worth shining your shoes….YOU already know that whatever you are doing isn’t working for you- we’re obese as a NATION, but if you NEED the additional humiliation of going on a national televised programming, and having a bully throw a rock at you, by all means, go for it. How is it however, going to solve your self esteem when you get back to your hometown and look back in the mirror? Do it yourself, for you and screw the bully to the wall. Tell him to sit on it!
When I ranted on one day about the fat bald man that is on daytime TV, Andrew* who is a nice skinny guy, commented: “Well who would you want telling you to lose weight then? Richard Simmons who works out all the time or someone like the Fat Bald Man?” Here is my point-please someone commit this to memory, we don’t NEED someone telling us to lose weight, that’s such a personal decision, who is anyone, fat or skinny to tell any one of us to lose weight? How’s that working for ya?
Celebrity is as celebrity does, the mentality that we all have is that old adage: 15 minutes of fame: we all strive for it in a sense. We do it with the clothing we shop for, the makeup we put on, the bathroom products we use, some of us even go to a more cutthroat level of stepping on co-workers for glory at work, just for the additional spotlight time, I’m doing it now, writing this from my cubicle at work, but nobody knows, do they? The Fat however, as a society, shrink from the spotlight because being seen isn’t really a great thing, some of the “thin” can make it hard for us to emerge. We are great people though, funny, loving, loyal, just like you, with about 100 lbs more. Being fat isn’t like being an alcoholic, a druggie, a nymphomaniac; you can hide most of these addictions with a great deal of finesse the occasional lie that has it’s possibilities to it: “I was gone to long to get milk because the car over heated. Obesity is the one dependency that can’t be hidden by a decent pair of black slacks and a girdle, no matter what a sales lady at Sears will tell you. For those of us that are obese; 40+ body mass index over (because THAT IS truly over weight, not this a 12 doesn’t look that great on me stuff) You know what it would take to get me to look like a Tommy Girl at this point? 4 surgeries and 2 years of working out for 2 hours daily and I’d STILL look like a scarecrow in the end. Reading this you may see a defeatist attitude and the outlook is a grim one, I agree, but then again, my life can be this way. I’ll give you an example: I went out with my friends for a night of conversation at a restaurant and a movie. We had just finished up at the restaurant and I came out ahead of my friends. 3 men and a woman were standing on the curb talking as I came out, one of them called out “Whoa baby! Charge in another direction!” The rest of the group was reduced to laughter. The woman of the group looked at me and flirtingly elbowed the guy who had said this. I, of course, felt humiliated, as usual, but then shortly after that ready to commit a quadruple homicide. The only thing stopping me wasn’t the fact that I’d get the gas or anything, it was that I’d be winded from dumping their bodies. I don’t like to sweat, you see.


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