Dec 10, 2009

Chelsea Lately

I'm addicted to her show. She's loud, brash, quick to judge, and pretty much allows for anyone to be fair game. No slant Comedy. Fat, Thin, Gay, Straight, she will pick on you if stupid happens to ya.

Last night was no different. Except for when one gay comic was asked what he would do if he had to play a character straight. This guy is the poster child for all things queer for the most part. He looked at her intently, silently stood up and french kissed a straight female comic. I about died laughing. She herself was so agog and freaked out she couldn't figure out the right response. She tried to push him away, to no avail. Not to be outdone she attempted post kiss to french Chelsea herself...One "I'll fire you bitch" look from Chelsea and she quickly took her seat. For a moment there, I think I got a good look at what Tiger Woods and David Letterman deal with....Just sayin.

I also believe Tigergate is headed for a divorce similar to that of Micheal Jordan. There isn't a Kobe Special out there big enough to get Elin to forgive 9 possible mistresses....ask David Duchovney. I would LOVE to be the divorce lawyer on this case. Short of bronzing Tiger's famous/infamous "personal balls" and using them as rear view mirror decorations I think this man is going to need to be playing MORE golf vs. less. Maybe he should talk to Jon Gosselin. He might find some good advice there. The only person who got more ass lately than tiger is probably Bill Clinton. After all his wife is in the Middle East lately. I would HATE that laundry detail! You know it's all about Big Mac "special sauce" and intern stains. ISH.

You know maybe it will work out for Ed Hardy after all. He should have a charity based shirt line. Every time a famous philanderer get's found out a proceed of the sales will go to help find the cure for Micheal Lohans mental disorder!


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