Dec 31, 2009

Debauchery HO!

Santa's put back in the box on the way to the Pole. Mrs. Claus waits at home for her man to come home. Knowing he's sated by all the sweet treats, Mrs. Claus and the elves start tending to the new years beast feast!

She layers on her perfume just a hint of vanilla. Knowing what man wouldn't smell it and come "hither"? Santa being no exception, being a man with his flaws. "He can't wait to get home" she thinks whilst painting her claws...

Enough of this jargon, it can't possibly last! "Debauchery HO!" cried Santa and the riendeer sped fast.Into the night and closer to the Home. Landing so quickly on their tarmac of lights. Another Christmas is over! Time to drink with all our might!

Remember that the new year hails a new list of naughty and nice. So when it comes time for your drunken butt to stumble home; Remember not even Santa drinks while he steers. Which is why each morale story comes with a "Claus"-Don't drink and drive! should now give you pause!


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