Oct 9, 2011

The Case of Chris Stapleton of the Steeldrivers?

When I went to the IBMA's I was excited to see the Steeldrivers on the docket to play because of the male vocalist Chris Stapleton is such a huge vocal. It's so rare to find something like him in Bluegrass. I was excited until they took the stage and I ran back to my husband and immediatly said: Something is wrong, he's not there.

I couldn't understand why a huge product would be removed from the squad, after all, this would be like taking the Turkey out of Thanksgiving and replacing it with Tofu.He is undeniably amazing he has a voice and skill that is naturally present. Bill Monroe had it, and to up and have it disapparate, well was kinda like the question of who killed Bill's brother Lester.

I found out after some youtube.com digging. When questioning the band I was told he wanted to settle down and he'd had enough money and he had kids in Texas he wanted to be more near. Which I can get behind but it seemed fishy.

The Case of Chris Stapleton is that he has broken of like the Thile and other greats to do other things you can catch his new project; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEjgsMKYOUo  and see for yourself what you may be missing. While it is definitivly no longer bluegrass and closer to the old school rock, Stapleton's voice could shrug on any skin of music and pull it off with grace is this writers belief and make it his own. His voice is so unique that it is a Hallmark voice like that of Holiday, Gray, Gillespy, Allman, etc. He'll prove to many that he's a contender in the ring. Gloves are off gentlemen.....Are you ready for the Jompson Brothers?


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